Friday, 29 June 2012

List Building Traffic Secrets ? The 3 Best Traffic Tactics to Force ...

There is only one deciding factor which will determine the success of your online business, which is your capability to create targeted web traffic. You simply have to have traffic visit your websites and look at your promotions if you want to make any money online and keep your business alive. It is also vital as to where you get this traffic from, be it from Google, forums etc. Ad copy does make a difference, but it will be dead in the water if it is placed in a web traffic source that is not designed to provide you with qualified traffic.

When you are building your list, remember to keep in mind what type of subscribers would you like to attract to your mailing list. It would be safe to say teenagers are out of the question if you are targeting the make money niche, because teenagers do not have a lot of disposable income. If you want a list which will pay you, you will have to concentrate on markets which have a lot of disposable income to spend.

Below are the 3 greatest traffic building systems to drive your list crazy with subscribers:

1. Article marketing

Article marketing is my favourite free web traffic generation system which is not dependent on others for it to succeed. With article marketing, you choose how much you make and how much potential traffic you attract. Put it like this, the more high class content you create and put out there, the more traffic you will drive to your website.

2. Ezine marketing

Finding targeted ezines which are associated to your particular subject matter and promoting to them is a superb method to obtain laser targeted web traffic. Remember that testing is very important. A number of ezines will only yield average results; some will generate superb amounts of traffic.

3. Joint ventures

Joint ventures ? this is a win-win deal for you, you simply partner up with someone within your particular niche or subject matter. You could do cross-promotions with other online businesses within your marketplace and benefit from each other?s list, leads and customers. Either way JVs are brilliant, but when first starting out beware JVs will be hard to come by.


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