Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Sound Pathway: Middle Ear The Process

Sound waves pass through the ear canal and middle ear to the spiral organ in the inner ear, which converts them into nerve impulses conducted in the auditory nerve to the brain. Through the auditory canal and middle ear The hearing process begins when sound waves enter the ear canal. Like ripples move across the surface of a pond, sound waves travel through the successive vibrations of molecules. Sound waves do not carry much energy, but when a large number of waves hit the eardrum, it moves back and forth Figure 9.12 Anatomy of the human ear. In the middle ear, the hammer, anvil, and stirrup amplify sound waves. In the inner ear for balance mechanoreceptors located in the semicircular canals and vestibule, and are mechanoreceptors for hearing in the cochlea.

Related posts:

  1. The Middle Ear ? Three Small Interconnected Middle Ear Bones
  2. References: The Middle Ear The Middle Ear
  3. Structure Overview: The Middle Ear Consists
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  5. Description: The Middle Ear Consists

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