Saturday, 21 July 2012

Some advice needed. - Talk About Marriage

Hi there folks, I need some advice and I hope that someone will be able to help me with my problem... Now before I continue I must point out that the topics I am going to discuss with you I have already discussed with my wife, who merely shrugs off my feelings or dismisses them as "silly".

For starters my wife and I have been together for 4+ years, I have raised her son as my own since day 1, as his father is one of THOSE guys. Anyway, at first I got the feeling our relationship was one of convieniance for her, a male-rolemodel for her son and a provider for her. I didn't really mind, we had a lot in common and even if it was just a psudo-relationship it worked out for us both.

Over time I began noticing things more and more and came to find out that she lied to me about her entire history, only after we'd gotten married... I also found out that while we were dating she had cheated several times (With my best friend) with no reason or apology for the actions. Alas being the hopeless romantic I am, I let it go and to this day we continue in our relationship as man and wife.

I have had to give up all exterior relationships for her, friends, family etc... The only communication I have is with her and "our" six year old... She is very jealous and often throws the accusations that I'm cheating or what-have-you, when in truth I've only ever slept with one other woman in my life and that was many years before she and I met.

My apologizes if this is jumbled, my heightened emotional state is slightly messing with my ability to write in a chronological order. She checks my email/facebook/phone on a daily basis and yet I have no way of checking her's. I enlisted in the army and due to an injury was sent home from basic training this of course caused a fracture in our relationship as she feels I didn't "try" hard enough... In 4 years we've had 2 dates, yes only 2... 1 before we "got serious" when she invited me to move into her home because she needed help with bills and I hated my roommates, and the day I proposed to her.

When it comes to making decisions for the household or even myself I am required to consult her first and whenever there is an issue (which seems to be all the time) she speaks down to me like I'm a child. She doesn't seem to care about my feelings until I keep to myself for longer than a month, then she thinks she can make up for the mistreatment with sex (which happens VERY rarely) but after we do she says "well it was just last week" but I've kept track and we've gone as long as 8 months.

I find myself, lately, not even wanting to be around her but I can't go anywhere to get away save for school. Physical contact is nearly extinct and when there is some I am almost repulsed. She has let herself "go" and no this isn't about her size, I mean emotionally I feel like a pet in a cage, that she pays attention too when she wants, controls constantly and generally ignores... I love my wife and in the past I've suggested divorce but always get the reply "But you said til death do us part." which may be true, but I feel so unloved, unappreciated and used... I don't know what to do anymore.


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