Wednesday, 18 July 2012

The Magic 3-Step Formula for Attracting Anything

I?ve come across this formula in multiple courses, books and teachings on success, either spelled out or implied. ?It is the no-fail, tried and true secret to success that all masters use and most people get completely backwards. ?I have applied it to my own life and it always works. ?I?ve attracted work I love, friends I adore, an amazing life-partner and family of my own, and amazing places to live every time I?ve desired to move.

Ready for it? ?It?s BE-DO-HAVE.

Most of us focus on what we would like to HAVE, and go after it thinking that once we?ve attained or achieved it, we can do what we want to DO and then we will BE happy. ?The thing we want may be a nice house, a job, an amount of money, a marriage, children, our ideal body weight?and we are completely convinced that once we have attained this thing we will be fulfilled. ?We are so convinced of this, we would work in a job we don?t enjoy, hold off on dating someone we?re really psyched about, or spend years pursuing goals that are not our true passions.

When we do life according to: ?HAVE-DO-BE, it never works to generate true fulfillment and Wellness. ?Never.

I described some of this in an earlier post?HERE.

Why is it impossible? ?We can never experience happiness, peace or any kind of fullfilment as long as we put it in the future. ?Happiness can only exist Now, because life occurs in the present. ?Also, as long as we make our happiness contingent on something external, it is conditional, and it will always be linked to the fear of losing that thing. ?True happiness is generated within, is unconditional and cannot be taken away.

Think about it. ?Have you ever attained a long-worked for goal only to find the initial joy of attaining it wore off? ?Have you ever reached a milestone you were sure would bring fulfillment only to find it ultimately empty? ?Have you ever completed something, only to then find yourself pushing the bar further?

The joy and happiness that come from attaining a goal are limited and fleeting unless we are able to BE in Joy and happiness. ?Once we are being that (happy, fulfilled, worthy, successful) all the circumstances to support it come flooding into our life. ?They can?t not come into our experience.

What actually works in attracting our heart?s desire is: ?BE-DO-HAVE. ?Once we are able to BE happy (or healthy, or anything) the actions and behaviors we DO change and are easy to maintain, and this creates and attracts what it is we are wanting to HAVE.

So how to BE?.? ?There are several tools to assist with this and I teach many in my courses and coaching sessions. For instance, imagine what you desire (a slim fit body, money, success, freedom, partnership?) and see how you feel. ?How would you feel if you had it now?

Let?s say you want a slim fit healthy body. ?Are you able to clearly imagine BEing this? ?Are you able to muster up the feeling of lightness, alignment, vitality and health? ?If not, what thoughts come to mind? ?Are you thinking: ??I feel like crap.? ?OR ?I?m a big, fat slob.? ?OR ??No way could I have that????It?s not possible for me.???I don?t deserve to have this.? -or any other limiting beliefs? ?Maybe you?re not able to feel your body at all.

If you are able to feel good as you imagine having what you desire, you are close to creating it. ?Keep using visualization or a positive mantra and plug it into your every moment.

If you are unable to imagine this for yourself for any reason, you have beliefs to clear. ?Your limiting beliefs will become apparent when you move toward what you desire. ?Release the old beliefs. ?Program yourself with new beliefs that are aligned with what you would like, such as: ??I have a slim, fit and healthy body.?

This can be used for anything you are wanting to attract. ?Note: ?Be sure you focus on what you do want instead of what you don?t want. ?The body will respond positively to the above mantra, and negatively to: ??I am not fat.?

When your unconscious thoughts are programmed for failure, you can fight it by pushing yourself, working out like a fiend and eating next to nothing?and even if you do get results you will have to continue to work very hard to keep them. ?Until your thoughts are in alignment with health and fitness this will be an uphill battle. ?All the willpower in the world will not ?ultimately overcome this. ?However, once you change your thoughts, it will be effortless to do the behaviors that are consistent with them. ?You will be craving carrots and broccoli in no time!

The next step is: ?DO. ?What would you be doing if you were a success? ?How would you walk and talk? ?How would you move if you were loved beyond imagination? ?What would you look like if you were happy now. ?Research has shown that even the simple act of smiling induces a state of happiness by increasing hormones that initiate this state. ?So DO whatever it is you would do if you were already BEing what it is you are wanting to BE.

From this heightened state of existence you will attract life circumstances consistent with staying in that state: ?people will treat you differently, new opportunities will open up to you, and your physiology will respond positively. ?Think about it: ?if your body has the ability to slough off unneeded pounds, why wouldn?t it do that? ?It?s because of your programming.

It may take a little faith at first to see if this works. ?Maybe for years you?ve been told to work hard to HAVE security, and then you can relax and do what you really want to do. ?Maybe you believe that you will finally be happy once you attract a partner. ?Release your ideas about how life works. ?You are running a rat race. ?Security, peace, love or any other state we are desiring comes from within. ?Try it and look for evidence of your life responding.

I am here for assistance! ?The life you desire is available to you. ?You are moving in the right direction. ?Keep going!

Be well,

-Dr. Kim


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